Zack & Wiki

All Of Barbaros' Body Parts.

The Legendary Pirate Barbaros was once cursed by its righ-hand Wiki, turning him into a golden skeleton, each piece with magical properties (Although only Barbaros can use their powers), locked away in a Treasure Chest locked by a Clinging Curse.

However, when the events of "A Journey Begins!" happen at the beginning of "Zack & Wiki:Quest for Barbaros' Treasure", the young pirate Zack and his friend Wiki find his Skull. Barbaros promises to gift Zack his Legendary Ship if he manages to reunite all his body parts and end his curse once and for all

Body Parts[]

As their adventure progresses, Zack and Wiki can find each Body Part locked away in a Treasure Chest with a Clinging Curse that Wiki can exorcise. The player can review each of these parts at Barbaros' Coffin in the Hideout where Barbaros will comment on them. After Barbaros betrays Zack & Wiki, the player can still see Barbaros' Body Parts, however, they will be replicas rather than the real items and it will be Wiki who comments on them rather than Barbaros.Barbaros' Skeleton is made entirely out of gold with embedded gems (Rubies on the right side and Sapphires on the other) and each part has magical powers, however, only Barbaros can use these powers.

Barbaros' Head[]

Barbaros's Head was the first part of Barbaros that Zack and Wiki found, kickstarting their great adventure to find all of his parts. As Barbaros' Head offers to take Zack to Treasure Island and give him his legendary ship, if Zack finds all of the Body Parts. At the same time, Barbaros' Head is sentient and is capable of hovering, talking and moving on its own (Unlike his other parts), although it apparently itches a lot.

Elend Bracelet[]

  • Location: Pit of Tragedy
  • Meaning: (From German Elend lit. Misery) Misery Bracelet
  • Body Part: Left Hand

The Elend Bracelet, like all other Body Parts, is made of pure gold, it contains a sapphire that is claimed to be as valuable as two countries. It is rumored to have the power to rub one's misery onto others

Neid Anchor[]

The Neid Anchor is made of a gold so pute that it makes a ship look fancy. According to Wiki, apparently it gets heavier the more envy one has for Barbaros

Abscheu Scope[]

  • Location: The Fountain Guardian
  • Meaning: (From German "Abscheu" lit. to Abhor/Loathe) Loathe Scope
  • Body Part: Barbaros' Wooden left Leg

The Absceu Scope has such a long range that it allows a person to see things on the moon, yet it stirs the loathing in one's heart

Grauen Goblet[]

  • Location: Three Colossi
  • Meaning: (From German "Grauen" lit. Horror/Dread) Dread Goblet
  • Body Part: Right Forearm

The Grauen Goblet is claimed to make any drink taste more amazing. It can also draw the power of fear of others into the drink it contains, which according to Wiki, is apparently delicious.

Verbitterung Axe[]

  • Location: The Crystal Key
  • Meaning: (From German "Verbitterung" lit. to Amaze/Astonish) Bitterness Axe
  • Body Part: Left Femur

The Verbitterung Axe is a powerful axe that can cut anything in half the moment one feels any malice, and can also swiftly take down a couple head of cattle, or if one wishes so, just half a roasted cow, a dish greatly enjoyed by Barbaros

Leid Goblet[]

  • Location: Keeper of the Ice
  • Meaning: (From German "Leid" lit. to Suffer/Sorrow) Sorrow Goblet
  • Body Part: Left Forearm

The Leid Goblet is a goblet filled with the sorrow and made from the sorrow Barbaros caused to people. If it's filled with tears, it can heal any wound

Qual Hammer[]

  • Location: The Icicle of Prosperity
  • Meaning: (From German "Qual" lit. Torment/Agony) Torment Hammer
  • Body Part: Left Humerus

The Qual Hammer is a hammer made of so much pain, that if you were to hit the ground with it, even the ground would cry out

Ekel Bracelet[]

  • Location: Bridge of Doom
  • Meaning: (From German "Ekel" lit. Disgust/Revulsion) Revulsion Bracelet
  • Body Part: Right Hand

The Ekel Bracelet is formed from pure revulsion, and can take any amount of heat. With it, a person could dive into a volcano, and live to tell the tale, yet no one has ever tried it according to Wiki

Zorn Candelabra[]

  • Location: Lake of Fire
  • Meaning: (From German "Zorn" lit. Anger/Rage) Anger Candelabra
  • Body Part: Ribcage

The Zorn Candelabra is fused with anger so powerful, it can drive a man mad. It controls the essence of fire, and the flames of rage can consume anything they touch. Barbaros has torched many ships using its power. At the same time, like the other "central" body parts, it has both sapphires and rubies, however, it also has an emerald

Erstaunen Hammer[]

  • Location: Relics of the Past
  • Meaning: (From German "Erstaunen" lit. to Amaze/Astonish) Amazement Hammer
  • Body Part: Right Humerus

The Erstaunen Hammer was forged from the terror of Barbaros' victims, and it has the pover to control water or even split the very sea in two, making it a deadly weapon in the hands of a pirate

Trauer Axe[]

  • Location: Dragon Scales
  • Meaning: (From German "Trauer" lit. Grief/Sorrow/Mourning) Mourning Axe
  • Body Part: Right Femur

The Trauer Axe is an axe that can cut through one's regrets, yet Wiki wonders what will happen if one regrets cutting their regrets

Einsamkeit Belt[]

  • Location: Bell Tower of Requiem
  • Meaning: (From German "Einsamkeit" lit. Loneliness) Loneliness Belt
  • Body Part: Lumbar Vertebrae

The Einsamkeit Belt is a belt that has the power to take away one's feelings of loneliness, yet Wiki said to Zack that he doesn't need it, as Zack has him by his side

Groll Anchor[]

  • Location: The Painted Secret
  • Meaning: (From German "Erstaunen" lit. to Amaze/Astonish) Amazement Hammer
  • Body Part: Left Collarbone

The Groll Anchor is an anchor that is heavy enough to drag any feelings of resentment towards you to the bottom of the sea

Entsetzen Compass[]

  • Location: Mirror, Mirror
  • Meaning: (From German "Entsetzen" lit. to Horror/Consternation) Fright Compass
  • Body Part: Pelvis

The Entsetzen Compass is a compass that points to both treasure and despair, which Wiki asks Zack to give it a try and see where it leads.

Angst Hourglass[]

The Angst Hourglass is an hourglass that helps the dread drain out of one's life, like sands through an hourglass. Even if it runs out, it can be flipped and be started again.


Verlangen Hat[]

The Verlangen Hat is a pirate hat that converts desire into life itself, which according to Wiki, one can live forever as long as they had enough desire in their minds.

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  • All the body part's name have the first part of their title in german